The Factory for Innovative Policy Solutions is proud to announce the creation of our first Solution Report. In our premiere report we tackle the issue of female illiteracy in the rural areas of Mauritania. With less than half of the female population being able to read and write, this issue affects the women and families in a wide range of areas such as income, health, and representation in government. We have generated a solution report that has tailor-made answers to the challenges facing women and their families regarding education. This article will give you an idea as to both our internal processes as well as the obstacles identified while developing solutions.
As previously mentioned, only around forty percent of women and girls in Mauritania can read and write. According to the Literacy Foundation , illiteracy has serious effects that range from societal issues like a lower national GDP growth rate and poor civic engagement to personal issues such as unemployment, precarious income situations, and poor healthcare choices. Female literacy is not just an educational issue - it intersects with economic, health, and civic concerns as well. Our team of Contributors and Editors identified three obstacles that prevent women from obtaining basic literacy skills:
Using First Principles Thinking, we developed solutions to address the above obstacles, and we are excited to share these solutions. First Principles Thinking is a problem-solving technique that encourages you to look beyond established perspectives, assumptions and truths. Instead, it invites you to boil down obstacles to their fundamental truths in order to discover solutions from scratch. Five individuals from different parts of the world have used this method and asked questions like: “How can we reduce the travel distance or time it takes to travel? Do learners actually need to travel at all?” Such questions inspired them to come up with the following solutions:
The above solutions would reduce the amount of needed books, reduce the frequency of needing to meet with a teacher, and allow time to perform other duties as well.
Our Product Delivery team is currently reaching out to influential people who can consider the solutions in their plans towards increasing literacy rates in Mauritania. We’ll gladly keep you updated about the journey of this Solution Report.
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